Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Second post

I don't understand why the time is always short for me? It is not enough for me to do everything what I want to do. I want to play billiards, sing in KTV, play computer games, and read some interesting books like 《A brief history of time》, 《Les Misérables》and《Human psychology》. (Of course those book must be Chinese captions)

Everyday after class I play the piano for more than three hours in the school's piano room, then I go to the library and study until 8:30. Normally I go to sleep before ten o'clock and wake up at nine o'clock. Some people may have question like why do I need to sleep much longer time than others and spend a lot of time to play piano?

In fact, I don't want to sleep 11 hours everyday, but I can't help myself. Because I have trouble with sleeping and I need eat sleeping pills to help sleeping. I play the piano everyday because I hope my piano skill can get better and better with each passing day and classical music is only free interest for me. ( the FREE mean is don't need to spend money for play)

An other question from me " why I spent same time to study English and play the piano,but the piano skill is better than before and the English skill isn't!?"However, the sleeping, studying and playing piano are the most important things to me. Although I must do everything like before, I will steal few time to play billiards in weekends.(lol God will forgive me )


  1. If anybody find any mistake in this post please tell me.

  2. I agree with you - I would like to have more time for everything! There are so many things I would like to do if I just had the time to do them - learning more languages, going to international cooking schools, doing more exercise... I wish days were twice as long!

  3. This is interesting discussion, and I'm glad to have read it. However, it is not following the directions for the Blog Post #2 assignment, so you will need to go to my blog and read the directions for Blog Post #2 and make a new post about American culture with images and links.

    See my blog at:
